Cosmic Computer Part 1 -       To Enjoy and Reflect                     Life's Forces

Every event, every action, every thought gets stored in the computer chip within our body. GIGO, Garbage in, garbage out - is a common term used to describe the working or functioning of a computer in the early days. Similar to how a computer functions, our genetic center, our mind absorbs and feeds on what we input inside it. To understand this better, read what Vethathiri Maharishi says about our body, how it functions and the prints that are embossed inside it.

Man is of a great universally connected potential mechanism, receiving, imprinting and reflecting all the actions of the Universe as a Cosmic Computer. Because of this great potential and functioning capacity, whatever man does, the desire, action, result, enjoyment and experiences are getting imprinted in four places:

  1. In the limbs and senses, as contraction and expansion of the physical cells and connected parts,
  2. Thought - Pattern in the brain cells,
  3. Concentrated blueprint in the seed - cells, and
  4. Computerised imprints in the life-force particles.

These imprints and results are explained in detail in the book , “Sins and Imprints” Every action produces appropriate results of its own as pain, pleasure, peace or ecstasy according to the time, place and object of contact. The actions and results both are imprinted, and, again and again, they will reflect as memory and create an urge of the same thoughts and actions. The personality of man is conditioned only by the imprints of all his actions and experiences of the present life and those of hereditary imprints of past lives of an unimaginable number of generations.

How are Imprints and Universe Magnetism connected? 

The Universe is a huge field of magnetism charged by the self-rotative force of energy - particles which are tightly filled up in the whole Universe. The five phenomenal results: pressure, sound, light, smell and taste are the results of the physical transformation of magnetism. In the awesome and unimaginably vast mystical Universe, man is a wonderful packet of all the secrets of the Universe. His body is a highly sophisticated structure constructed by the Super - Consciousness over a long period of ages continuously through millions of generations in the hereditary link.

In the body of man, the Consciousness can play its full potential into a labyrinth (Complicated irregular structure) of intricate (perplexingly entangled) and multifarious functions. The polarity arrangement of the atoms, molecules and cells is such as to make a line of pattern for every thought in the brain - cells and a line of pattern of every deed in the cells of the parts and senses of the physical body.

Every thought or action becomes a channeling pattern in the flow, conversion and consumption of bio-magnetism. Thought or action and their experience of sensation becomes imprints which condition the personality of man. The imprints are registered in the central nervous system, the autonomous nervous system and in the universal wave system. An action of ownself or a clash of outside force which disturbs the polarity of the body cells or the flow of bio-magnetism will become pain.

Any action which disturbs the harmony in the existence and functions of the body and mind of self or others, at present or in the future will inflict an uncomfortable feeling or pain as a significance. If an action disturbs the mind or body of others, a reflective wave is caused and such a wave affects the doer of such action and will become conflicting imprints which subsequently come out as pains and diseases .Know about how the Universal wave impacts every action of ours in the following blog …


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