The Cosmic Computer              that  Can Alter the            Future - Vethathirium

Read on and let us change GIGO to DIDO, Divine In and Divine out.. 

The unbreakable strong connection between Universal Energy and the Energy within Us - Science and Spirituality the connecting link 

Everything in the Universe is radiating its own wave. Such a wave will have all the quality of the wave emanating from that object. When that wave impinges (makes impact) on anything it has the power of inducing the same qualities in the other thing on which it clashes. So, whether there is a physical action or mental action, it will result in pain or pleasure appropriately in the structure, function and result in man.

According to the force of action and the resistance - power of the receptor and according to the time, place and object of contact, the result will be appropriate in quantity, quality and time. But never an action will go waste without result. In between action and result there may be a varying time span, ranging from a single minute to a hundred years or more, for a variety of reasons. Some people who are skeptical about the law of karma take one end and miss the other end between action and result; and when they cannot trace a link between the two due to their own limitation, they ignore or discard the law of karma.

With sincerity, if one goes into research over the law of karma in his practical life, he will automatically become moralised in his life-style. The phenomenon man, who comprises physical body, life-force, bio-magnetism and mind is a grand old natural university, where all the philosophies and sciences can be studied.

Therefore the knowledge about the universal being, the life-force and the law of karma is of paramount importance in the life of man. The realisation of the universal being will liberate man from ego. Realisation of the life-force will develop awareness in all sensual enjoyments and dealings. This will help one to maintain one’s limit and method, avoid conflicts and conserve harmony within self, among society and nations.

The Unfailing law of Divine Nature - Karma Law

Knowing the law of karma and following moderation and morality in life will result in peace, harmony and satisfaction in life, which in turn will lead to the perfection of Consciousness which is the purpose of birth of man.

Philosophy and science both are equally necessary to mankind. The three links, viz, knowledge of supreme being, life and law of karma which are now missing in science. It should be considered by the scientists by developing the other portion of their Consciousness viz, spiritual knowledge. The future of mankind and its survival, prosperity, harmony and peace are in the hands of these scientists.

Only the spiritual light, enlightenment of the Consciousness - realised by the scientists and spread to the world will solve all the problems afflicting mankind today.. The uncontaminated, pure wisdom of the philosophers and revolutionists shall always be available to the innovative (bringing novelties and making changes) and persevering scientists engaged in the lofty (dignified, distinguished, elevated) and noble endeavor of liberating mankind from misery and assuring mankind abiding peace and prosperity.


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