Now you take God as Absolute space. Can you see any place without space? Yogairaj Vetahthiri Maharishi asserts that many people do not believe that Space is God, because they are used to seeing God with eyes.

When Vethathiri Maharishi articulates “Sivam”, “I am telling Sivam is pure Space”. the People who follow the path of Bhakthi are bringing their own Siva with a very big tuft, Rudraksham and other things.

So, when such God comes in the mind, one thinks of God is like this. Understanding the real God which is all pervading every where is tough with such pre-determined perception?

God and Galaxy

So many stars, galaxies are in the Universe. All are easily floating on the space. How? Whether the floating thing will be mightier or the resting phenomenon will be mightier? You can see that the resting phenomenon is mightier. Now, you can understand the Absolute space is Almighty or God.

Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi goes on to say that You cannot understand God by senses. Sense will see only a little place. Can you see the whole universe or space all at once? No. Half of the universe is hidden by the earth. An ant may bite the elephant. But it cannot see the elephant. Similarly, our senses are restricted in their activities.

Adhi, Anaadhi- Infinite

But, you have to take the words of the revelators that God is all pervasive Adhi, Anandhi, Almighty. You need to understand that the same has inherent force which we say pressure. Pressure was the main quality. Managing the pressure in a very orderly manner, that is called consciousness.

To understand the Almighty God, it is necessary to understand the Space, the Secrets of the Universe and more importantly the Absolute space

In space, everything is in the form of waves. We cannot see that. We are mixing one spoon of sugar in the water and diluting. Can you see the sugar now after it is dissolved in the water? In the same way, you are seeing a mango sprout. Within the mango sprout, a full mango tree is shrunk. The tree is there. You cannot say that it is not there. You cannot see even one mango leaf in the sprout. Similarly are Yaktham and Aviyaktham. (Significant and subjective).

In this way, the whole universe is managed and maintained only by the Space. The Space is everywhere. Even around the atom, it is there giving a surrounding pressure. That is why the atom is rotating so speedily. Beyond the whole universe also, the same place, Almighty is giving pressure. No planet will go farther than the distance which it maintains with another, nor can it push away a planet farther.

Only in this way, regularly, specifically, everything is maintained by Almighty, the space. Because of its own pressure, some intensity happened. The intensity started a whirling motion. Whirling motion is Sakthi (Akash). Around the akash, the Static State, Almighty is pressing. Because of this surrounding pressure, a friction comes; many such spreading waves come out forming magnetism. The same energy particles jointly give all the shapes, Panja (five) Boothas and all forms.

When you understand only one God, Space, the same space in our body is consciousness or knowledge is mind. The magnetic force contains God and its actions waves. That is working within everybody and within everything. So, whoever you see, he represents God. He is Almighty, God.

This knowledge, this experience can be had only when you understand yourself, when you understand everything, and when you have a total perspective vision of all the things from space, particles, masses, living beings, mind and space. As such, how can you dare enough to hurt others? How can you discard or neglect the pains of others, as you have understood that others are the forms taken by the formless God.

So, Vethathiri Maharishi says that when God is understood, the virtuous way of living, not inflicting pain to self or others, will come out as perfume comes from a flower.


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