The Truth About                   Idolizing the Idol –            Vethathiri Maharishi

Idolizing the Idol

God worship and virtuous way of life are taught in all the religions. The name ‘God’ came because of the language. The nomenclature for God varies based on the language. Now, in the scientific age, we have to understand the real God.

Know about what God Worship

Vethathiri Maharishi explains, What is The God that we are worshiping? When you understand, you will come to know that there is only one God.

Believers in God are calling Him by different names, but, we have to find out the real God. Without knowing the real God, some people are giving fictitious stories about God created by them. As far as we know, now-a-days, all the Gods existing in the world are created by man.

After creating Gods, man went on research mode. In the good old days, the first philosopher found what is God. He found God as the only Brahman, which is everywhere as Absolute Space. He called it Sivam, Poornam, Aroopam. Then, he told this to the people. Vethathiri Maharishi clarifies that If you understand God, you will find that all people are children of God. So, we have to worship God, who is nothing but our own father. (What is wrong with worshiping our father?)

The birth of the Idol

After some time, some wise people clearly described that God has no form. For that, they shaped up one stone of no specific form. It was called Lingam. Then after some time, some said, “God will not be like this - He should have a face, eyes, and so on”.

So, they made God, Sivan, as a man with some kind of dress. The same Sivan after sometime was given silk, later on, different clothes. Now, you may see nylon clothes adorning different Gods.

God and His Family

Then, you may see man’s Vengeance: a man thought “God made me to get trouble in my family, because he does not have a family. Let him too have a family”. Then man made marriages to God! And after sometime, he thought God should not be without sons; he procured him with sons! Then man made all the atrocities - whatever man did - was made to God. We cannot blame a particular man.

Find your REAL GOD

This practice was formed long long ago. All are having the habit of worshiping idols and statues. Now we have to find out the real God. What is said in Vedas ? That was given to us by revelators of those days as Almighty, All Pervasive, Athi, Anathi, Aroopa, Viswaroopa. These are all indications given on God.

Essence of all the religions

1. We must help others to relieve their trouble/pain and help them in their suffering as much as possible.
2. We should not hurt or create trouble for others.

The above two are the essence of all religions, states Guru Vethathiri Maharishi in his Kundalini Yoga teachings. We should understand this. How can we understand? Only by understanding the philosophy of magnetism.

God and Magnetism - The Relationship

In magnetism, God and his energy, both are there. So we should understand the Almighty as well as his evolutionary process. Here, man will find the real God, the real religion. That religion will be the World Religion. There will be no difference between one religion and other religions.

One should not be affected by others. Why do people create so many quarrels? All quarrels, fighting - country to country - with arms and destruction - can completely be eliminated only by understanding the existence of God everywhere, in everything, in every living being and every human. Simple way. Vethathiri Maharishi propagates - Let this World Religion Unify the entire mankind and enable one to realize the Divinity inside.


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