How to be happy every          day with this simple                          formula

Harmony is Divine!

Harmony is a precious treasure of human life. True success, satisfaction and happiness are just different faces of harmony for an individual. If they wish to enjoy the benefits of life fully, it is necessary for them to develop and maintain harmony in all walks of life, within themself, within their family, friends, relatives and the society. Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi says that the more we understand life, the better we will be able to achieve harmony, which is divine.

Have you ever wondered why man suffers?

Vethathiri Maharishi answers this with ease and grace, he says born as a man, he is supposed to lead a victorious, harmonious and peaceful life according to the law of Nature. 

Nature has gifted us with all that we want and that we need. Due to scientific development, the basic needs of mankind are fulfilled in abundance. Materials and commodities necessary for a happy and convenient living are available in surplus in Nature. All resources are provided by Nature for the survival, happiness and peace of an individual. In fact, there is no defect in Nature. Even then, there is a question of peace in an individual's life as well as in the society and also between different nations. Why does this happen? Is it due to the lack of resources in Nature? Absolutely not. There is nothing to blame Nature on this.

Vethathiri Maharishi elucidates that , in spite of this abundance and plenitude, why does man commit sins and why does he suffer? You should realise the cause for this. Each and everyone is born in this world to live. When there is obstruction by any means in getting the needs, the life and the purpose of life is getting obstructed.  The purpose of the birth of man is to develop his own potential to fullness, to perfection, with his sixth sense which is Nature's gift to man. Being such a wonderfully gifted man, what else does he need more of?

Why do we commit wrong ?

Sin is a result produced by man's activities, which leads him to pain, misery and problems in life.Wrong deeds are committed by Men, and at the same time, one should also realise that the individual alone can not be responsible for the problems prevailing, not only in his own life but also in the society. Since his habits come down hereditarily from his earlier animal life.

If he goes on committing sin, then it becomes a habit again for him. What should he do to change this? Vethathiri Maharishi provides efficient and simple solutions, he says that man has to develop his knowledge and consciousness, so as to realise what is right and what is wrong. As said by Maharishi in a Tamil Verse: "There is no one who commits sins by his own instigation. The society itself is responsible for the current criminal mindset and behaviour of any individual".

The Potent Sixth Sense The six sense human has come from a fifth sensed animal. If we realise and observe from the plants which have a single sense to the animals that possess five senses, except few, the rest kill other lives for their food. This is the nature of animals as their survival depends on them. The cause is due to their inability to cultivate and get their own food. Only man, through Science and Technology, can transform the natural resources into a wide array of articles, commodities and facilities for convenient and happy living. This is the difference between man and animal. Man alone is able to transform the natural resources, for better utility, save them for the future and share them with others with divine love and compassion.

The potential of the sixth sense gave humans the ability to think which animals don't have. Man's ability to think distinguishes him from animals. The absence of the six senses has compelled the animals to do violent acts, in their effort of survival. As man has evolved from animals, the animals imprints of mental and physical violent behavioural characteristics have been transmitted to the man and are persisting within him from generation to generation even upto today.

The Choice

Eventually the choice to live the life we want is within us. Once we realise that the choices we make, the decisions we take, the knowledge that we gain through this journey of life determine the happiness quotient in our life, we will be more vigilant on our thoughts and actions. 

Vethathiri Maharishi’s SKY Yoga has deep introspection practices that enable us to travel to the universe within us and realise its vastness and uncover its secrets.


Vethathiri Maharishi's SKY Yoga is spread across 20 countries and has transformed over 6 million lives.
SKY is the perfect blend of Yoga, Kundalini Meditation, Intense and Practical Introspection practices that empower to lead a meaningful and fulfilled life.

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