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We have to be compassionate and calm because as per the principles of Cause and Effect, the imprints born of our evil deeds have to be wiped off through pain and misery. Nature brings two individuals together, where the deeds of one produces pain that eradicates some of the imprints in the other.
My pain may not be on account of the action of the other, but merely an opportunity provided by Nature to help me get rid of some of my imprints for which the time is ripe. The other individual is just an instrument and should not be blamed at all.
Nature uses the seemingly harder path as a tool for the cleansing process, so that the lesson learnt through it will be longstanding and will enforce awareness in future. All desires seek expressions in time. A desire lurking in an individual’s mind will find an opportunity to turn into action with time. The desire to be an instrument of pain was already there, and in the absence of steps for eradicating it, found expression through corresponding actions.
No seed becomes a tree the moment it is planted in the ground. In the same way, the imprints which lie concealed in the individual have to manifest and get eradicated in time. The person whose actions were the cause for the removal of an imprint was merely an instrument and has to be blessed.
Swamiji asserts that, an individual is a Gnani (Enlightened person), who is not touched by anger. Anger is the stumbling block in the path of spirituality and Divinity will reside only when anger is absent.
Concluding, the moral from this for us is, to progress in Spirituality or to have peace in Family or be successful at Office, one should try to neutralize anger by identifying one’s own mistakes and try to get over them by constant awareness and to be patient and tolerant and handling others. Regular meditation and constant introspection with the help of techniques given by Guru will make us a Fulfilled Human Being.
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