Mind-Body Integration for Emotional Balance

access_time 1731756600000 face Sky Yoga Online
Spicing Up Your Life The Recipe for a Healthier, Happier You Hey, fellow wisdom seekers In today's fast-paced world, confusion and conflict seem to be ever-present, especially among our youth. But what if the root cause wasn't external, but internal? Vethathiri Maharishi, the founder of SKY Yoga, su...

De-Stress and Declutter Your Thoughts: Your Guide to Mental Wellness

access_time 2024-07-12T09:26:09.324Z face Sky Yoga Online
Taming the Thought-Monkey Your Guide to a Calmer Inner Zoo Let's take a journey to Mind ZOO Have you ever stopped to wonder what your mind truly is? It's not a tangible object you can hold, but a constant stream of thoughts, a whirlwind of ideas and emotions. Science estimates the average person has...

Lost on the Good Life Path? It Might Be Time to Rethink Your Route

access_time 2024-06-15T11:28:08.071Z face SKY Online
Feeling Lost on the Path to a Good Life? Here's Why Your Track Might Look Different Have you ever wondered...? The answer awaits! Do you ever feel like you're putting in the effort to live a good life, but things just don't seem to go your way? You're not alone. Many people struggle with the disconn...

The Secrets of the Siddhas: A Guide to Yogic Perfection and Enlightenment

access_time 1734006600000 face Reka S
Unveiling the Secrets of the Siddhas A Path to Inner Peace and Energy Have you ever wondered...? The answer awaits! The Siddhas and Rishis of ancient India were revered for their immense wisdom and radiant energy. This blog post delves into their secrets, exploring how we can cultivate the same inne...

A Journey into the World of Lambikā Yogam

access_time 2024-05-09T12:37:35.644Z face Reka S
The suprising link between Tongue and Universe (It's Not What You Think!) A Journey into the World of Lambikā Yogam Have you ever heard of bending your tongue as a form of yoga? While many associate yoga with physical postures or meditation, Lambika Yogam focuses on a unique practice - bending the t...